Saturday, August 1, 2015

14 Day Walk With Christ Conclusion

Fellow Sisters,

We hope you have enjoyed your Walk With Christ. We hope that you have been changed, inspired, uplifted, and enlightened. We know we have.

We encourage you to keep walking with Christ every day of your life. Make time for him. 

For those of you are able, we invite you to attend our relief society fireside this evening. You can refer to the Facebook page for more information.

Share what you've learned. Sharing our testimonies helps us grow. We hope that you will share with others your thoughts and impressions that you've had throughout this experience.

Fast. We invite you to fast this Sunday and ask the Savior how you can implement what you've learned.

Continue. Continue to pray, read your scriptures, ponder, and reflect on your relationship with your Savior.

This will led you to great happiness. 

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, if you'd like to. 


Your Fellow Relief Society Sisters 

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