Friday, July 31, 2015

Day 14: How Can I Follow my Savior?

Fellow Sisters,

We hope you enjoy Day 14 in your walk to become closer to your Savior. We invite you to take the time to ponder and reflect upon the following questions, scriptures, letters, and thoughts. 

Read President Hinckley's talk to gain further knowledge in how we can emulate the Savior's example.

One goal that most of us share in this life is the desire to achieve true joy and lasting happiness. There is only one way to do this, and that is by being obedient to all the commandments of God..."When the Lord commands do it" was a rule in the life of the first prophet of this dispensation. May that be the motto and practice of each of us
-- Delbert L. Stapley

Keep your eyes open for the adversary's treachery. 

Be sure to take time to record your thoughts. This was the last day of our official walk with Christ. However, we hope that you will continue to ponder, reflect, and study the life of Christ and his love and teachings. 

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, if you'd like to. If you want a copy of the letter, but didn't receive it let me know. :) 


Your Fellow Relief Society Sisters 

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