Monday, July 20, 2015

Day 3: Do I Really Understand Repentance?

Fellow Sisters,

We hope you enjoy Day 3 in your walk to become closer to your Savior. We invite you to take the time to ponder and reflect upon the following questions, scriptures, letters, and thoughts. 

Do you forgive yourself and others? How can you more fully claim this gift of mercy God and Christ have given us? 

Read this amazing talk by the late President Boyd K. Packer to learn more about repentance.

Remember nothing will ever lessen your worth in the site of the Lord. 

Be sure to take time to record your thoughts. We hope you join us for Day 4 in becoming closer to our Savior. 

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, if you'd like to.


Your Fellow Relief Society Sisters 

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